Inefficient breastfeeding, difficulty producing certain sounds, and reduced range of motion of the tongue can indicate a tongue-tie.
Dr. Vincent Ip performs frenectomies to free the tongue and allow for better movement.
See how Smile 360 in Austin, TX, can help you or your child speak clearly, protect your oral health, and more.

What Is a Tongue-Tie?
Tongue-tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a condition in which the frenulum, or the tissue connecting the tongue to the floor of the mouth, is shorter than usual. The result is a tongue that remains attached to the base of the mouth and has a restricted range of motion. The condition is present from birth and may manifest in symptoms such as:
- Difficulty lifting the tongue, moving it from side to side, or sticking it out
- A tongue that appears heart-shaped when stuck out
- Difficulty when eating, speaking, swallowing, or breastfeeding

The Dangers of Tongue-Tie
Malnutrition Due to Inefficient Breastfeeding
When breastfeeding, a baby must be able to stick their tongue out past their bottom lip. If a baby cannot move their tongue properly, they may chew on the nipple. This can result in nipple discomfort and interfere with the baby's ability to get breast milk. If your baby is having trouble breastfeeding, Dr. Ip can determine if your baby has a tongue-tie or lip-tie.
Poor Oral Health
Restricted movement of the tongue or lips can make it difficult to remove food debris from the teeth. This can lead to oral health concerns like tooth decay and gum disease.
Speech Difficulties
When the tongue is attached to the base of the mouth and can't move correctly, you may have difficulty making the sounds "d," "th," "t," "z," "s, "r" and "l." This can lead to miscommunication and embarrassing situations for children, teens, and adults alike.
What to Expect During a Frenectomy
A frenectomy can take just 15 minutes to complete and offers a lifetime of benefits.
"Dr Ip and his staff have taken care of our family for years. He is an excellent doctor and has helped is so many ways. [He] diagnosed and followed through with our daughter's tongue surgery that has improved her speech and other aspects of her life like sleep and eating. If you are looking for a wonderful dentist who will take care of your family I strongly recommend using Dr Ip and his team at Smile 360" Matt Brimberry, MD